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Description- This strain leaves its mark, imparting complexity dryness.  Through its higher production of esters and fusils, and relatively high attenuation range, Dublin produces a fruity yet crisp finish. 


Species -– ALE


Brewery Source - Guinness


Optimal Fermentation Temp Range (°F) – 65-68f


Apparent Attenuation Range (%) – 69-74


Flocculation - Med/High


Alcohol Tolerance – Med/High


Pitching/Fermentation notes -– Produces diacetyl and fusels if reproduction stage is over 71f or excessively underpitched. Poor attenuation if below 60f. Serial pitching will result in an extremely (88%+) attenuative yeast after 6-7 generations. Mild citrus notes develop with cooler (60-66) fermentations.Notes - This yeast is famous for its clean flavors, balance and ability to be used in almost any style ale. It accentuates the hop flavors and is extremely versatile. Low fruitiness, mild ester production. Normally requires filtration for bright beers.


Best Styles – Irish ales, Darker ales (reds, browns, porters), Stouts


Equivalent -  WLP004, WY1098


Availability - All Year


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